Thursday, August 27, 2020

Concrete Technology and Practice Analysis

Question: Depict how the properties of the solid blends can decide the presentation qualities, use spreadsheet properties (I. e., capacity to be set into blocked fortification areas, capacity to oppose compressive loads and bowing minutes and capacity to suffer C2 presentation arrangement). Answer: For the ideal execution qualities, the properties of the solid blends given in the spreadsheet can be decides in the wake of checking the: - 1. Capacity to be set in to blocked fortification areas: - According to the spreadsheet newly arranged cement have low yield pressure and high thickness. As yield pressure quantifies the measure of vitality with which solid streams. Thought about that the solid streams effectively under its own weight that is because of gravity, so its yield pressure ought to be low. Thickness quantifies the opposition of freshly masterminded concrete to stream on account of inside grinding. So the strong should have high thickness in order to suspend complete particles in a homogenous manner inside the strong mix with no seclusion, over the top kicking the bucket, and superfluous air development (Mehta and Monteiro, 2005). Anyway in light of higher powder substance solid channels not actually the conventional hang concrete and it can in like manner brief shrinkage separating on the from chance that it isn't fittingly guaranteed and restored, particularly in flatwork. Usefulness attributes of newly arranged cement are estimated in four different ways:- Flowability:- This property estimated utilizing droop stream and used to speaks to the capacity of cement to stream into structures through thickly strengthened and complex basic components under its own weight yet there is a disadvantage with this property that it doesn't propose that every single cement get leveled without anyone else. Tolerability (protection from hindering):- This property quantifies the capacity of cement to stream under its own load through restricted spaces, for example, limited separating between strengthening bars and furthermore occupies open spaces in the formwork with no isolation or blocking (Naghoj and Abdel-Rahmna, 2004). Strength or isolation obstruction: - This property of the solid is its ability to continue a homogenous organization in a new state during and after the procedure of transport and setting. This incorporates both static and dynamic strength. 2. Capacity to oppose compressive loads and bowing second: - Concerning the job of the strengthened solid, it has increasingly number of favorable circumstances over the masonary, it can oppose the strain and furthermore the pressure and thusly it can oppose the bowing. As the given information in the spreadsheet shows that it can give the adequate solidarity to solid structure as per the measures. The vault and the arch are, obviously, compressive structure dynamic structures, the significance of that is it never exposed to the twisting second in light of the fact that for the particular burden design which is legitimate for structure dynamic shapes just (Neville and Brooks, 1994). Capacity to suffer C2 presentation order: Corrosion is apparently the most notable undeniable sign of rot in outside concrete. It has colossal security recommendations when the convincing area of invigorating steel is diminished by change to rust that causes spalling of strong spread. Fundamental prosperity is increasingly essential for prestresses concrete taking into account the more vital vulnerability of prestressing measures to utilization and potential for grievous disillusionments if these strands are exchanged off by means of substance. The introduction classes fdor conditions that need disintegration security of fortress are: C0 (Not Applicable) This kind of solid will be dry and will be shielded from dampness in administration. C1 (Moderate) This kind of solid will presented to outer wellspring of chlorides yet will be presented to the dampness in the administration. C2 (Severe) In this sort the solid is increasingly presented to chlorides and furthermore to the dampness in administrations from deicing synthetics, salt, seawater, splash and salty water from these sources. (Schneider and Chen, 2005) For Class C2 the diagram master is advised to pay thought on the indisputable front of concrete to the strengthening steel. For prestressed concrete, the Code especially necessitates that the spread be extended significantly. In invigorated concrete extending the spread ought to be balanced with the potential for extended and progressively broad parts. End In finishing up the entirety of the above realities I arrived at the resolution that the information on which the investigation has been done depends on the spreadsheet that has been given. As per the decision of the solid blends in the given record the decision of blend B is choosen. There are sure properties like the properties which are utilized to decide the presentation qualities dependent on the air stockpiling, chamber and droop. The choice of the solid blend B will give enough solidarity to the structure of the structures and extension deck will give enough assurance against sulfate and help the structure to remain for long time. References Abdel-Razik. 2004. Covering security of stacked R.C. sections against raised temperature, in: International Conference, Future Vision and Challenges for Urban Development, Cairo, Egypt, Kodur, L.A. Bisby, M.F. 2004 Green, Fire continuance of FRP-fortified strengthened solid segments, in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions, Seoul, Korea. McCoy, W. J. 2002 Mixing and restoring water for concrete.Significance of tests and properties of concrete and solid creation materials,STP 169-A. pp.515521. Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials. Mehta, P. K. what's more, Monteiro, P.2005.Concrete: microstructure, properties, and materials. third ed, 135136. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. Naghoj, N. M. what's more, Abdel-Rahmna, N. 2004 Enhancing the presentation of cement exposed to salty seawater.Admixtures upgrading concrete performance,the worldwide meeting, Dundee, Scotland, UK. London: Thomas Telford. pp.3540. Neville, A. M. furthermore, Brooks, J. J.1994.Concrete innovation, England: Longman Scientific and Technical.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Patient Raymond Nguyen for Respect and Information-myassignmenthelp

Question: Examine about thePatient Raymond Nguyen for Respect and Information. Answer: Presentation Care fixated on patients alludes to the wellbeing which is exceptionally deferential and receptive to different inclinations, qualities and requirements of the purchasers and patients. The extensively acknowledged elements of the consideration focused on the patients are enthusiastic help, regard, data, physical solace, and correspondence, change and coherence, contribution of carers and family, care coordination and access to viable consideration (Hill, Hall Glew, 2017). Different looks into exhibit that care focused on understanding and makes esteem added for administrations to the general population. At the point when the executives of medicinal services alongside patients, families and give work in collective organization, the security and nature of human services expands, the costs decline and the fulfillment of the supplier increments. This outcomes in increment of the consideration experience of the patient in the end. In any sort of occupation, it is essential to have great foundation with respect to powerful correspondence between the patients and the attendants or the other clinical carers. Having a successful correspondence between the patients and wellbeing carers is significant in the Nursing condition as there is managing of different parts of life of a patient (Alligood, 2017). In this task, there has been conversation on the manners by which attendants and clinical specialists utilize the expert relational abilities for building up a restorative relationship with patients. In such manner, the instance of Raymond Nguyen is talked about for which the manners by which compelling relational abilities will be built up through verbal and non-verbal correspondence mode alongside the part of documentation. Circumstance Raymond Nguyen is a multi year old male conceived in Vietnam which later relocated to Australia in the year 1979 as pontoon individual. Having this fundamental data before his arrangement, he must be treated with methods of patient-focused consideration. Before having a gathering with Raymond Nguyen, the medical caretaker or the assessor must be alert, arranged and agreeable mentality. The nursing care that must be given to Raymond Nguyen requires a profoundly successful correspondence set up between the medical attendant and him that will be done through valuing the uniqueness of life history includes and impacts the human services encounters of Raymond Nguyen (Levett-Jones, 2013). The standards under which guiding and medicinal services arrangement will be given to Raymond Nguyen incorporates pride, compassion, decision, regard , straightforwardness , self-rule and a genuine want to give help to him to accomplishing the wellbeing conditions and life that he wished to have. Foundation During the guiding meeting, it has been acquired that Raymond Nguyen doesn't have any caring hypersensitivities and had a propensity for smoking for around 42 years which he had as of late left. By building up great and sound verbal correspondence with Raymond Nguyen, viable human services can be given to him. This would fundamentally start with the utilization of English as the language for correspondence. The medical attendant needs to utilize a tone that is mitigating and quiet which would give a sentiment of solace to Raymond Nguyen (Almajali, Masa'deh Tarhini, 2016). Concerning the non-verbal specialized strategies, Raymond Nguyen should be given consoling touch by causing him to sit in seat or helping him while sitting down in the clinical reason. The outward appearance of the medical attendant while giving conference to Raymond Nguyen should be exceptionally quiet and benevolent. Eye to eye connection must be kept up to cause him to feel quiet and responsive. According to Parahoo (2014), the attendant needs to watch the statement of Raymond Nguyen to pick up appreciation about his psychological circumstance (Parahoo, 2014). The contrast between the reaction of the Raymond Nguyen to any question and the outward appearance that he has while addressing the inquiries must be seen so as to give him powerful directing and social insurance (Holloway Galvin, 2016). Evaluation Considering Raymond Nguyens way of life which is has been following for quite a while the documentation of the communication of the considerable number of discussions and counseling between the attendant or clinical carer and Raymond Nguyen must be accomplished for future reference (Chnevert, et al., 2013). This will likewise help with overseeing explicit data and information concerning wellbeing of Raymond Nguyen (Nieswiadomy Bailey, 2017). The meeting that the attendant or the clinical specialists would give to Raymond Nguyen would be as far as the age, liquor utilization and food propensities for Raymond Nguyen. The discussion or conference that would be given to Raymond Nguyen would be in direction of making him fitter and dynamic by fusing a system of mellow exercise or exercises, for example, playing with his grandkids (Durairaj Ranjani, 2013). By taking part in particular sort of physical action, he will have brought levels of worry down to a critical degree. He should be informed in regards to taking consideration concerning him in little manners, for example, utilizing sunscreen while going out with his grandkids. As indicated by Mosadeghrad Ferdosi (2013), attendants or clinical advisors need to make the recommendation with respect to connecting with a cook who might deal with getting ready home prepared suppers to him. This ways he will not be avoiding his morning meal and would have nutritious food at home (M osadeghrad Ferdosi, 2013). The attendants or clinical carer would need to report all the discussion in an electronic recorder which will help with keeping up a register for putting away all the significant data in regards to particular human services routine to Raymond Nguyen (Flores, et al., 2013). The electronic recorder that would be utilized with the end goal of documentation can be utilized by Raymond Nguyens little girl and other relatives while dealing with him. This ways his drinking propensity can be managed (LoBiondo-Wood Haber, 2017). Suggestion Conclusion In the article, the hugeness of directing documentation of clinical guiding is expressed. The wellbeing condition and prerequisite of Raymond Nguyen is evaluated in the task. There has been reflection on the standards which must be thought of while assessing or directing interview of wellbeing to Raymond Nguyen. Further, the verbal and non-verbal correspondence conduct that must be kept up while furnishing Raymond Nguyen with clinical conference has been explored. This paper has helped with picking up top to bottom examination of different components and the manners by which the directing must be given are expressed. The criticalness of having a legitimate documentation in such manner has been expressed. References Alligood, M. R. (2017).Nursing Theorists and Their Work-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Almajali, D. A., Masa'deh, R. E., Tarhini, A. (2016). Predecessors of ERP frameworks usage achievement: an investigation on Jordanian human services sector.Journal of Enterprise Information Management,29(4), 549-565. Chnevert, D., Jourdain, G., Cole, N., Banville, B. (2013). The job of authoritative equity, burnout and responsibility in the comprehension of non-appearance in the Canadian social insurance sector.Journal of Health Organization and Management,27(3), 350-367. Durairaj, M., Ranjani, V. (2013). Information mining applications in human services area: a study.International diary of logical innovation research,2(10), 29-35. Flores, M., Glusman, G., Brogaard, K., Price, N. D., Hood, L. (2013). P4 medication: how frameworks medication will change the human services area and society.Personalized medicine,10(6), 565-576. Slope, R., Hall, H., Glew, P. J. (2017). Basics of Nursing and Midwifery: A Person-Centered Approach to Care. Holloway, I., Galvin, K. (2016).Qualitative research in nursing and social insurance. John Wiley Sons. LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J. (2017).Nursing Research-E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Levett-Jones, T. (2013). Basic Conversations for Patient Safety. : Pearson Australia. Recovered from Mosadeghrad, A. M., Ferdosi, M. (2013). Administration, work fulfillment and authoritative responsibility in human services area: Proposing and testing a model.Materia socio-medica,25(2), 121. Nieswiadomy, R. M., Bailey, C. (2017).Foundations of nursing research. Pearson. Parahoo, K. (2014).Nursing exploration: standards, procedure and issues. Palgrave Macmillan.

Friday, August 21, 2020

California Supreme Court Deals Blow to Payday Lenders

California Supreme Court Deals Blow to Payday Lenders California Supreme Court Deals Blow to Payday Lenders California Supreme Court Deals Blow to Payday LendersInside Subprime: Aug 13, 2018By Grace AustinThe California Supreme Court has dealt a major blow to payday lenders in the Golden State and opened the short-term loan market up to future lawsuits. In a unanimous ruling this Monday, the state Supreme Court said rates on larger loans can be “unconscionable,” so much so that they are illegal.Unlike some other states in the union, California does have regulations against payday lending, but the Golden State is among the top 6 states in the country for short-term loan fee volume. Thousands of payday loans are taken out every year, worth millions of dollars. In other words, payday lenders have a lot to lose.  The plaintiffs’ argued that the company targeted consumers with bad credit under financial duress, and its go-to marketing strategy was TV ads touting fast money. Predatory lenders often prey on those with low credit scores and low-income jobs, who often and easily end up in a c ycle of debt. While the De Le Torre decision lays ground rules for payday lending penalties, it doesn’t give specific numbers: “We recognize how daunting it can be to pinpoint the precise threshold separating a merely burdensome interest rate from an unconscionable one.” The court did, though, bring up the authority of California’s Department of Business Oversight and the courts to enforce rules against “unconscionable” loans. And the top judge stated that courts can curtail interest rates and force payday lenders to compensate borrowers if the loans are “oppressive.” That could apply to millions of loans in California, according to the plaintiff’s lawyer, who spoke with the San Francisco Chronicle about the case. The De La Torre case will now go back to the Ninth Circuit of Appeals, and potentially back to federal court in San Francisco, where the lawsuit originated. And experts say this could have sub-prime payday lenders re-thinking business in California. Read more about Payday and Title Loans in our  Subprime Reports.More California Subprime ReportsAnaheim | Bakersfield | Chico | Fresno | Los Angeles | Modesto | Oakland | Redding | Riverside | Sacramento | San Diego | San Francisco | San Jose | Santa Barbara | StocktonVisit  OppLoans  on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedIn

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood - 1822 Words

In Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, one discovers the dystopian society of the Republic of Gilead. This society was created in order to keep the birth rates from the continuous decline and deals with the problem by requiring women to have government-sanctioned sex. Women are only treated as if they are a pair of ovaries and the only purpose that they have is to keep the country populated . If a Handmaid is unable to reproduce, they are punished for their failures. â€Å"Having given birth successfully, the Handmaid can rest assured that she will not be sent the Colonies, where ‘unwomen’ clean up toxic dumps and radiation spills. † (Miner 149). If a Handmaid is unable to do their duties, they are sent away, and there is a great chance they will not return. The sex they are giving to their Commander is in no way romantic, nor is there any real love involved. Offred, a Handmaid, remembers the life she once lived before becoming a Handmaid. The women who become Handmaid’s are given names that are not really their own. â€Å"My name isn’t Offred, I have another name, which nobody uses anymore because it’s forbidden. I tell myself it doesn’t matter, your name is like your telephone number, useful only to others; but what I tell myself is wrong, it does matter† (Atwood 84). The government has brainwashed these women into believing that they do not really matter and they have no real purpose. The government has taken away their names and given them the names of their Commander. InShow MoreRelatedThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1357 Words   |  6 PagesOxford definition: â€Å"the advocacy of women s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes† (Oxford dictionary). In the novel The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood explores feminism through the themes of women’s bodies as political tools, the dynamics of rape culture and the society of complacency. Margaret Atwood was born in 1939, at the beginning of WWII, growing up in a time of fear. In the autumn of 1984, when she began writing The Handmaid’s Tale, she was living in West Berlin. The BerlinRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1249 Words   |  5 PagesDystopian Research Essay: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood In the words of Erika Gottlieb With control of the past comes domination of the future. A dystopia reflects and discusses major tendencies in contemporary society. The Handmaid s Tale is a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood in 1985. The novel follows its protagonist Offred as she lives in a society focused on physical and spiritual oppression of the female identity. Within The Handmaid s Tale it is evident that through the explorationRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1060 Words   |  5 Pagesideologies that select groups of people are to be subjugated. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood plays on this idea dramatically: the novel describes the oppression of women in a totalitarian theocracy. Stripped of rights, fertile women become sex objects for the politically elite. These women, called the Handmaids, are forced to cover themselves and exist for the sole purpose of providing children. The Handmaid’s Tale highlights the issue of sexism while also providing a cruel insight into theRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1659 Words   |  7 Pagesbook The Handmaid s Tale by Margaret Atwood, the foremost theme is identity, due to the fact that the city where the entire novel takes place in, the city known as the Republic of Gilead, often shortened to Gilead, strips fertile women of their identities. Gilead is a society that demands the women who are able to have offspring be stripped of all the identity and rights. By demeaning these women, they no longer view themselves as an individual, but rather as a group- the group of Handmaids. It isRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1237 Words   |  5 Pages The display of a dystopian society is distinctively shown in The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood. Featuring the Republic of Gilead, women are categorized by their differing statuses and readers get an insight into this twisted society through the lenses of the narrator; Offred. Categorized as a handmaid, Offred’s sole purpose in living is to simply and continuously play the role of a child-bearing vessel. That being the case, there is a persistent notion that is relatively brought up by thoseRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1548 Words   |  7 PagesIn Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, The theme of gender, sexuality, and desire reigns throughout the novel as it follows the life of Offred and other characters. Attwood begins the novel with Offred, a first person narrator who feels as if she is misplaced when she is describing her sleeping scenery at the decaying school gymnasium. The narrator, Offred, explains how for her job she is assigned to a married Commander’s house where she is obligated to have sex with him on a daily basis, so thatRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale, By Margaret Atwood1629 Words   |  7 Pages Atwood s novel, The Handmaid s Tale depicts a not too futuristic society of Gilead, a society that overthrows the U.S. Government and institutes a totalitarian regime that seems to persecute women specifically. Told from the main character s point of view, Offred, explains the Gilead regime and its patriarchal views on some women, known as the handmaids, to a purely procreational function. The story is set the present tense in Gilead but frequently shifts to flashbacks in her time at the RedRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1256 Words   |  6 Pageshappened to Jews in Germany, slaves during Christopher Columbus’s days, slaves in the early 1900s in America, etc. When people systematically oppress one another, it leads to internal oppression of the oppressed. This is evident in Margaret Atwood’s book, The Handmaid’s Tale. This dystopian fiction book is about a young girl, Offred, who lives in Gilead, a dystopian society. Radical feminists complained about their old lifestyles, so in Gilead laws and rules are much different. For example, men cannotRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1540 Words   |  7 Pages Name: Nicole. Zeng Assignment: Summative written essay Date:11 May, 2015. Teacher: Dr. Strong. Handmaid’s Tale The literary masterpiece The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, is a story not unlike a cold fire; hope peeking through the miserable and meaningless world in which the protagonist gets trapped. The society depicts the discrimination towards femininity, blaming women for their low birth rate and taking away the right from the females to be educated ,forbidding them from readingRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1667 Words   |  7 Pagesrhetorical devices and figurative language, that he or she is using. The Handmaid’s Tale, which is written by Margaret Atwood, is the novel that the author uses several different devices and techniques to convey her attitude and her points of view by running the story with a narrator Offred, whose social status in the Republic of Gilead is Handmaid and who is belongings of the Commander. Atwood creates her novel The Handmaid’s Tale to be more powerful tones by using imagery to make a visibleness, hyperbole

Thursday, May 14, 2020

American Dream the Civil War - 1894 Words

This paper will prove that the American Dream can best be explained as a city upon a hill, meaning being above and superior over those below. The Civil War, the imperialistic race of the 19th century, the Korean War, the KKK, and the Gulf War are all examples of the American Dream of superiority playing a part in American History. Americans all have a different idea of this superiority, but nonetheless strive to achieve it, where ever it may be. The Civil War, which split the United States, was a clash of two aspects of approaching the American Dream in a young America. Both sides felt their ideas and philosophies were far greater than those of the opposing side and therefore would benefit the nation more and make it superior. Both North†¦show more content†¦It is this idea of expansion thus gaining power and superiority over other nations that proves the American Dream/City upon a hill being about superiority. The invasion of South Korea by North Korea was the opportunity the U.S needed to invade North Korea thus causing China to intervene therefore justifying the possible invasion of China. When World War II ended, the U.S and U.S.S.R agreed to occupy Korea. The U.S occupied south of the 38th parallel, and the U.S.S.R North. Both sides wanted Korea to be united; the U.S.S.R wanted it under communism, and the U.S capitalism. They were cut in half. North became communist, South became capitalist. South Korea was recognized by the U.S and the United Nations while North Korea was recognized by the Soviet Union and its allies. There were many hard comings between the Koreas. On June 1950, the North Korean army with Soviet weapons invaded South Korea, in an attempt to seize it. The United States, taking great interest, appealed to the U.N to condemn the invasion and to send forces to liberate South Korea. The Soviet representative to the U.N was not present to veto due to the fact that the Soviet Union was protesting against the refusal to allow China to enter the U.N. When the U.N forces under U.S command liberated South Korea, U.S president Truman ordered that the forces goShow MoreRelatedEssay on Supreme-Commander, Dwight David Ike Eisenhower1682 Words   |  7 PagesSupreme-Commander of the allies was a goal in Eisenhowers life. This was a goal that he did not expect to achieve when he was young. Unlike Dwight’s brothers, he went to serve in the military before World War I broke out. During World War I he was Second Lieutenant commanding a Tank Corps. Before World War II broke out he was General MacArthurs assistant in the Philippines. Soon after that assignment he was sent back to America to lead another Tank Corps. He did that for around three years and then heRead MoreWhat Is An American?1384 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is an American? 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The Gettysburg address was a major turning point i n American history for the topic of slavery. Martin Luther King Jrs I Have a Dream speech assisted in this Civil Rights movement. But, the question is, what all did they cause in our history? The reader is going to compare and contrast information from the two texts so theRead MoreI Have A Dream By Martin Luther King Jr.983 Words   |  4 Pagesfought for the rights of African-American. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, America was on the brinks of collapsing towards a civil right war. Leaders were across the United States creating factions of people. However, King Jr. was not an ordinary leader. He was a man with a dream. A dream that he constantly, throughout his speech, is talking about. A dream where there is no discrimination among people and freedom is equal for everyone. In his speech, â€Å"I Have a Dream†, Martin Luther King Jr. isRead MoreMartin Luther King Speech Analysis989 Words   |  4 Pagestime. His words sparked change for an entire nation and was an enormous factor in contributing to the African American Civil Rights movement. During the time of Martin Luther King Jr’s speech, the country was in a great state of distress regarding equal rights and equal opportunity for people of color. Riots, protests, and chaos seemed to be taking over the country as African Americans began to demand their deserved equality. Martin Luther King Jr stepped up through all the madness going on andRead MoreAn Interview For The New York Times By Philip Roth1521 Words   |  7 PagesYork Times, Philip Roth stated, Even more potent was the impact of the Vietnam War. That was the most shattering national event of my adulthood. A brutal war went on and on-- went on longer than even that other great milestone, World War II- and brought with it social turbulence unlike anything since the Depression.† A self-described member of the most propagandized generation†, a product of World War II rhetoric, Cold War containment, and mass med ia, Philip Roth viewed the turbulence of the 1960sRead MoreComparasion Essay Abraham Lincoln vs Martin Luther King1213 Words   |  5 Pagestime for very similar beliefs. They bought fought for civil rights of African Americans who did not always have the rights they have now. They were once slaves and owned by white people .As slaves they were required to do what they were told. A slave had no rights and was treated like a nobody. They were often beaten physically and mentally. Lincoln fought for the freedom of slaves and even went to war for this belief. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Should Polluters Pay For Polluting - 1998 Words

Thesis: If polluters are harming the environment, the pollution is a moral danger to the ecosystem and should be resolved. If polluters can pay economic compensation for their disruption of the environment, this will not necessarily resolve the problems of the environment. Three authors in this essay offer different perspectives on the issue of making polluters pay, their explicit views of this subject are not observably mentioned in their work, just different positions for and against the idea. As the authors give different reasons for why or why not polluters should pay, they all mention a moral issue is attached to this discussion. I plan to analyze the authors’ readings and interpret their writings for purposes of this essay. From a†¦show more content†¦The true distinction between preferences has created a conflict that confronts what is wanted as an individual with what is believed as a citizen. The conflict therein is obviously one of ethical standards. In relation to the allocation and distribution of resources, Sagoff implies two terms that we can apply to this essay, on the subject of green taxes that may lend a view on the subject. Two theoretical concepts called the â€Å"Economic Man† and â€Å"Money and Meaning† are valuable pieces of information when applied to the concept of green taxes. Picture a normal person who exchanges goods with other people who similarly buy and sell goods. This person is buying goods for low prices and selling high for marginal profit. The only constraints for this person are market prices and self-interest in accumulating potential income. This person is called the â€Å"Economic Man,† although the concept is applicable to all people as previously described. From this perspective, the outlook on making polluters pay could very well resemble an economic rationalists point of view. With this point being made, it appears as though â€Å"Money and Meaning† can be analyzed completely opposite. In the concept â€Å"Money and Meaning,†Show MoreRelatedNational Environmental Policy Act ( Nepa )1598 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscussed with the rationale and application examples in the following part. The first EI to be discussed in the essay is Pollution Charge System which is based on â€Å"Polluter Pay Principle.† Charges are defined as payments for use of resources like prices for goods. Pollution charge system aims to change the economic behaviour of polluters. Charge system internalise the external environmental damage/cost by pricing the pollution-generating activity. Underlying economic rationale behind the charge systemRead MoreCommentary806 Words   |  4 Pagesthat region. 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The sprayfields run off and lagoons leak run off, or sometimes fail all together. Polluting both surface waters and groundwater. Livestock also negatively impact on the replenishment of freshwater, through compacting soil (thereby reducing infiltration), contributing to deforestation (thereby increasing runoff), degrading the banks ofRead More Consequences of Environmental Regulations Essay2603 Words   |  11 PagesConsequences of Environmental Regulations   Pollution can be defined many ways.   The dictionary defines the act of polluting as:   â€Å"to make unhealthily impure.†Ã‚   But what exactly does the word â€Å"unhealthy† imply?   Take, for example, a paper mill.   Trees are cut down to make paper.   In the act of making paper, the mill dumps byproducts into the water of a nearby lake; and spews smoke into the air.   The act of cutting down trees is unhealthy to the animals that use the forest as their habitat.  Read MoreDevelopment vs Environment4686 Words   |  19 Pagesserious and irreversible damage, lack of scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing measures to prevent environment degradation. (iii) The onus of proof is on the actor or the developer/industrialist to show that his action is environmentally benign. This principle can be used to hold liable any person or corporation causing environmental degradation. The usual defence of scientific uncertainty regarding the polluting substance or act will not stand in a court of law. HoweverRead MoreAnalyzing the Polluter Pays Principle Through Law and Economics5023 Words   |  21 Pagesinternational negotiation for reducing emissions must be based on four principles: the precautionary principle, the principle of sustainable development, the polluter-pays principle of equity. The strength of ‘contraction and convergengce’ is that it satisfies all these principles. * Sir John Houghton The paper starts with the basic knowledge of the Polluter Pays Principle and proceeds with the Historical evolution of the principle. 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Government should intervene because firms generally have almost no incentives to reduce pollution since there is no direct cost that they must pay. There are variety of control instruments that could be used by the government, in this essay will be discussed: environmental taxes, subsidies, standards and market of tradable permits

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ethics in Information and Implementation Technology

Question: Discuss about the Ethics in Information and Implementation Technology. Answer: Introduction: Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that uses encryption technique to verify the transfer of funds between two peers. Therefore, it helps in completing currency operations without any third party payment providers (like banks and governments). This transaction technology was developed between 2008 and 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto who claimed that, it was developed in response to the economic crisis at that time. As described by Krugman in NY times, this process of transaction helps the users to be anonymous in the whole process, therefore it may happen that transactions are unethical and can be used in the criminal or terrorist activities (Angel McCabe, 2015). If we take the deontological perspective of ethics, then the use of the Bitcoin is unethical and surely evil for the economies of different countries. In deontological perspective, the act is more important than the result or consequences of it. In this ethical theory the morality of an action is decided according to some rules that are set by society. In case of Bitcoin, it seems thatit is used as a weapon which can damage central banking and money issuing institutions of a country (Guadamuz Marsden, 2014). Moreover, transactions have done through Bitcoin damages the ability of a government to monitor the transactions done by their citizens. This in turn also damages the ability of collecting taxes from the citizens. Here we can say that, as some wrong steps or actions are used in the whole transaction process it can be considered as unethical according to deontology theory. On the contrary the utilitarianism theory, the best moral actions are those which maximizes the utility of anything. In context of Bitcoin, it has increased the utility of the money as well as technology by encrypting the transaction process (Angel McCabe, 2015). This encryption can be helpful in preventing the frauds that are related to the monetary transaction. Meaning of problem of many hands" in computing/IT context In IT industry it is seen that when an individual is to be held responsible for any event then he or she must have influence on that certain event. It must be checked that if that person has not carried out his/her responsibility which may have prevented the accident or the harmful event. In case of information technology the, accidents in development and deployment of the technologies happens due to misunderstanding or negligence of several individuals involved in the development project (Thompson, 2014). It may be the fault of designers, maintenance staff or even of the policy makers in the organization. Therefore it can be stated that the contribution of several actors in development and deployment of technology is generally known as the Problem of many hands. The failure of any project or technology is a result of several factors. This factor includes inadequate testing, software errors and insufficient quality assurance by the developers. Moreover exaggerated claims about dependability, poor interface design and inadequate investigation or follow-up on accidents (Noorman, 2012). Therefore it is important for the IT industry and organizations to develop a tradition of accountability for the risks and faults that may occur due to the malfunctioning of the systems. It is also more important for the information technology as this industry is struggling with the level of standards and reliability of the different inventions or products. There is a misconception about the Problem of many hands, which is it only talks about the blame and liability for an accident (Thompson, 2014). In contrast with that, this helps in development of sense of responsibility in the employees or the members of the development team Functions professional codes of ethics (CoE) serve The professional code of ethics helps professionals to deal with the ethical dilemmas he/she may face in their career. Since the personal code of ethics is not effective in the different business situations, therefore it is important for organizations to set a standard of ethics in profession (Quinn, 2014). There are several types of code of ethics are in practice. Some of them are NSPE, AITP and IEEE code of ethics. Different code of ethics has different functionalities, but all of them share some common functionality. These functionalities are stated below, To symbolize the professionalism of a specific group. Protection of group interests. Inspiring good conduct and behavior at workplace (Fleischmann, Hui Wallace, 2016). Providing discipline to the employees. Specifies the rights of professionals. Helps professionals to foster relation with the clients of the organizations and other professionals (Quinn, 2014). Professionals should contribute to the wellbeing of the society and the human beings. It helps the professionals to provide proper credit to the owners of intellectual properties. This codes also helps professionals in acquiring and maintaining the professional competence. Criticism of Code of Ethics (CoE): The code of ethics sometimes can be counterproductive. The reason behind this is, code of ethics creates discrepancy between the actual and professional behavior. The professional code of ethics is both useful and important for the professionals (Fleischmann, Hui Wallace, 2016). On the contrary, the blind reliance on these codes acts as obstacle in the way of developing their own moral sensitivity. Sometimes it is also observed that, this code of ethics encourages the unrealistic expectations for the organizations. Therefore, it can be stated that, the code of ethics is not for every organization. Definition of digital divide and ways to overcome it The Digital Divide defines the differences between people who can access to the different resources of information and communication technology (ICT) (such as Internet) and people who do not have access to these resources. In this interconnected world till individuals and households are not able to use the advancement of the information and communication technology (Nakamura Chow-White, 2013). Day by day these connection or access gap is shifting to the knowledge gap in the different countries. According to different surveys, it is seen that there are almost 757 million adults in all over the world (including 115 million youths) are not able to read or write a simple sentence. Therefore to educate them and help them to explore the world of knowledge it is necessary to connect them with the different information and communication technology. Reasons to close the digital divide It is important to close the digital divide, so that the people residing at different regions of the world can get the knowledge and advantage of the advancement in different fields. More reasons to close the divide are, Healthier democracy: The use of internet and communication technology in a country can lead to better public participation in the elections and decision making process for the nation (Lopez, Gonzalez-Barrera Patten, 2013). Social mobility: The advancements in the information and communication technology can be helpful and play an important role in learning process, career development and professional work for the citizens of any country. Ways to overcome the digital divide Providing better internet coverage: Since the number of internet users in developing countries is too much low, therefore it is important for them to focus on greater coverage for the rural areas s most of the population lives in rural areas. Enhancement of ICT skills: The lack of education as well as ICT skills also has a impact on digital divide (Nakamura Chow-White, 2013). Therefore, to ensure that different public sector organizations integrate ICT in its different education initiatives. References Angel, J. J., McCabe, D. (2015). The Ethics of Payments: Paper, Plastic, or Bitcoin?.Journal of Business Ethics,132(3), 603-611. Fleischmann, K. R., Hui, C., Wallace, W. A. (2016). The Societal Responsibilities of Computational Modelers: Human Values and Professional Codes of Ethics.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Guadamuz, A., Marsden, C. (2014). Bitcoin: The Wrong Implementation of the Right Idea at the Right Time.Available at SSRN 2526736. Lopez, M. H., Gonzalez-Barrera, A., Patten, E. (2013).Closing the digital divide: Latinos and technology adoption. Washington, DC: Pew Hispanic Center. Nakamura, L., Chow-White, P. (Eds.). (2013).Race after the Internet. Routledge. Noorman, M. (2012). Computing and moral responsibility. Quinn, M. J. (2014).Ethics for the information age. Pearson. Thompson, D. F. (2014). Responsibility for failures of government the problem of many hands.The American Review of Public Administration,44(3), 259-273.