Friday, December 27, 2019

Street Children - 5347 Words

INTRODUCTION One of the miseries brought by the modern civilization is the situation of the street children. In the old times, and still now in some areas, children worked with their parents and reamed a lot of things from them; later, children looked after aged parents, and therefore much value was put on children, and there was strong bond of affection between parents and child. However, now it has changed. Parents go to work, and children do not go to work with them. Children only cost much money for food and education. Parents of a poor family are suffering from much financial stress. As the stress becomes bigger, their love for their children decreases. Then, a home, which should be a place children receive affection, becomes a†¦show more content†¦Eighteen outreach workers were recruited and assigned to fifteen cities. These workers did referrals, conducted actual outreach on the streets, conducted interviews, made initial contact with families or elatives, and prepared initials diagnosis and action plans. In Manila and Davao City, MSSD provided temporary shelter, intake, counseling and referral services through drop-in centers. Reception and action centers run by two city governments receive street children picked up by police for various offenses. Under the City of Man concept of the former First Lady Imelda Marcos, street children were regarded as nuisance and eyesore, they had to be eliminated from the street. Temporary shelter, counseling and value inculcation seminars with families were made available. However, these efforts provided little impact on their situation. Most of them went back on the street after their release form the shelter since they had no other alternative to earn a living. From 1984 to 1990 two networks of non-government social development agencies were organized for advocacy, capability-building and coordination. These agencies supported rehabilitation programs for street children and prevention programs that helped deter child tr afficking. The first programs started with a committee of five agencies, under the Council of Welfare Agencies of the Philippines, Inc. (CWAPI), now known as the National Council for social Development Foundation (NCSDF). ByShow MoreRelatedThis paper is about the street children and their problems1573 Words   |  7 PagesA street child is a young person, under the age of fifteen, who lives and sleeps in the streets, whose family ties are broken and who cant or wont return home. Street children live in the streets without their families. Each child has to learn how to survive alone, since no adult takes responsibility of them. Often they are very young and completely ignored by their families. 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Nationwide, there is estimated to be 3.5 million people that are homeless, and roughly 1.35 million of them are children. It is shown that homeless rates, which are the number of sheltered beds in a city divided by the cities population, have tripled since the 1980’s (National Coalition for Homeless, 2014). Worldwide, it is estimated that 100 million children live and work on the streets. HomelessRead MoreHomeless Youth Of The 20th Century Essay970 Words   |  4 Pagesshelter’s system, which is a small portion of the total population of homeless youth. One report estimated that only one in twelve homeless youth ever come into contact with the shelter system (Somllar, 1999). The main focus is on â€Å"street youth† who are still on the streets with no home, and no adult guidance. The downfall of the system is that it is based on coming in contact with homeless youth, inst ead of building a rapport with them, and getting an understanding of why they leave home. 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From thirteen years old to seventeen years old they must feel safe and secure at home. Parents are there to help their children and protect them, but they don’t always succeedRead MoreWhy Children Alone Or With Their Families Become Homeless?1108 Words   |  5 PagesImagine feeling hopeless, lost, and alone. Feeling like all doors have closed, and knowing surviving day by day is your daily task. Surprisingly, â€Å"[a] staggering 2.5 million children are now homeless each year,†countless innocent children and their families are impacted by a destitute life style (â€Å"National Center†). Fortunately, efforts are being made to address homelessness constructively. Statewide organizations such as Covenant House and local organizations like The Maslow Project are hoping

Thursday, December 19, 2019

William Golding s Lord Of The Flies - 1315 Words

William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies was set somewhere on the timeline of World War Two, a war between the Axis and the Allies lasting from 1939 until 1945. Although WWII was fought between many countries in the Pacific and Europe, the main contender was Germany, led by Adolf Hitler. Hitler and his followers, the Nazis, changed the lives of everyone when they attempted to strengthen Germany and brought out all the evil and ugliness in the world. After WWII, nothing would be able to change the negative effects brought upon German society. In the early 1930’s, Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party used the widespread discontent of the German people to gain support from them. There was resentment at the territorial, military, and economical terms of†¦show more content†¦They proclaimed that the German people were a â€Å"master race† and that all non-Germans—especially Jews—were inferior. Over the course of two years, from 1933 to 1935, Hitler was able to get in control and pass the Nuremburg Laws which marked the beginning of an institutionalized anti-Semitic persecution. After getting full control of the government and eliminating all remaining political opposition, Hitler moved forward with his plans to return Germany to glory. First thing on his mind was to overturn the Versailles settlement. Hitler started rebuilding the military of Germany and other allied and conquered countries, preparing to expand Germany’s territory eastward ( While Hitler moved east, anti-Jewish pogroms erupted across Germany and Austria. Then in November 1938 came Kristallnacht—the â€Å"Night of Broken Glass†. It was a state-orchestrated attack on Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues. This resulted in the murder of 91 Jews. Twenty thousand more were arrested and transported to concentration camps, where they would either be killed or put to work for the rest of the war. By March 1939, Germany had seized all of Czechoslovakia. Hitler now had his eyes set on Poland. After WWI, the Allies cut out the Polish Corridor from German territory, and now Hitler wanted it back ( So Hitler signed a nonaggression pact with Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, in order to invade Poland unopposed.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cmn 277 free essay sample

Frequency of cause: how many times you have been exposed into message a. Cumulative (more than one time) multiple b. Non-cumulative (base on taking one) 6. Nature of outcome a. Cognitive (do with fighting against what we believe) b. Affective (do with emotion or feeling) c. Behavioral (perform) EX. The table is soft, but I think it is hard (cognitive); â€Å"I don’t like tables any more† (affective); I will not buy it. (Behavioral) 3) Phases of effects research: research topics, theories, and typical research in the direct effects era, limited effects era, and conditional effects era 1. Direct effects era Research topics and theories a. Looking at political propaganda b. Media perceived to be influential c. EX. â€Å"Hypodermic needle† and â€Å"magic bullet† theories (media are powerful) Research: research focus on content of media; little research on media effects 2. Limited effects era Research topics and theories a. Why are media not powerful? b. Ex. Selective exposure and selective retention theories Typical research: survey and content analysis 3. Conditional effects era Research topics and theories a. Looking for more subtle effects b. Looking for conditions when effects may occur Typical research: broadened range of methods B) Research Methods Overview 1) Basic problems in media effects research 1. Problems of exposure: when someone consume the message, different level of exposure. 2. Problems of measurement 3. Problems of causality (you like to try everything) 2) Causal models: basic one-way model, supplemental models, and alternative causal models 1. Basic one-way model X- cause, independent (nature) Y- effect, dependent (depend on X) X Y 2. Supplement causal models The basic is right, but maybe two or more ways . Multiple causes model X X Y X b. Mutual causation model X Y c. Intervening model (not directly) X Z Y 3. Alternative causal models One-way model here is false a. Reverse causation model X Y b. Third-factor model X Y Z 3) Data collection methods: description, advantages, and disadvantages of content analysis, surveys, and experiments 1. Content analysis Numerical description of media a. Advantages Ident ifies what is in the media message that starts in message b. Disadvantages By itself, cannot demonstrate cause and effect . Surveys Asking representative sample, external validity a. Advantages 1) Representative sample of people 2) Measures naturally occurring events b. Disadvantages 1) Limited to questions 2) Cannot measure time order 3. Experiments Expose people to something: measure effects, internal, validity a. Advantages 1) Can observe/manipulate events 2) Can observe time order b. Disadvantages 1) Often uses limited sample of people 2) Artificial setting and situations C) Uses and Gratifications Theories 1) Uses and Gratifications defined and the uses and gratifications model 1. Defined What happens before and during media exposure helps determine the effects of exposure 2. Model Psychological forces: individual, what you believe Social forces: outside influence, from others or†¦ (Both happen at the same time) Reasons for exposure conditions of exposure: what do you feel media effects Example: Desire to vote correctly Professor urges you to engage in political process 2) Some reasons for media exposure (list of common media gratifications) 1. Surveillance Try to learn something, figure something out 2. Entertainment Look for to prove your mood 3. Interpersonal activity 1) You want to watch famous people, so you watch the TV show (2) You watch TV show, you want to talk to others about it. 4. Para social interaction We keep the relationship (you watch Opera, you believe her because she tells you what to do) 5. Personal Identity You watch TV show to improve yourself and expand your knowledge in the fields you are interested in. The similarity is between you and c haracters. D) Cultivation Theory 1) Constructed nature of social reality 1. The mind begins as a blank slate 2. Our reality is constructed for us by social interactions and institutions 3. Part of the reality we construct is based on television reality 4. Television reality is wrong 2) Television reality: what is wrong with it; the consistency of the patterns Entertainment television presents a distorted view of America and the world. 62% characters are male People under 18 are only 1/3 of actual People over 65 are only 1/5 of actual Crime is 10 times as common as actual Medical and criminal justice workers many times as common as actual 3% of TV characters are responsible for an older adult 3) The Cultivation process: parts of the process 1. Where attitudes come from Belief 1 Belief 2 attitude judgment Belief 3 EX. Beliefs and attitude toward police officers Police use brutality Police protect people Police abuse power 2. The cultivation model Viewer’s exposure to TV demographics 1) Exposure to TV demographics a. Who is on Television b. What they do and what happens to them 2) Viewers’ beliefs about people, places, and other social phenomena a. Who is out there in the world b. What they do and what happens to them 3) Views’ attitudes a. Based on beliefs about people, places, and other social phenomena b. We infer importance status, and relative social place; we make judgments c. Mainstreaming process 4) Further specifications 1. When does Cultivation not occur? a. When direct experience differs from TV b. When people view critically c. When the TV message is not uniform 2. When is cultivation most likely to occur? a. When the message resonate with direct experience b. When 5) Cultivation research: Content analyses and surveys 1. Content analysis of television 2. Survey research a. Exposure to TV b. Beliefs c. Attitudes 6) Criticisms of the theory 1. Difficult to establish causality 2. Too broad E) General Media Effects Theories 1) Social Learning 1. Overview We can learn behavior by watching other’s behavior 2. How it works a. Basic model: Attention to performance of behavior b. Important conditions 1) Identification with model 2) Model rewards/consequences 3) Situational motivations The situation should be the same c. Categorizing the theory 1) Causes change 2) Individual-level 3) Long-term 4) Non-cumulative (only need to see performance once) 5) Behavioral focus 2) Excitation Transfer 1. Overview The excitement we get from media content can exaggerate our feelings 2. How it works 1) Physiological arousal (transfer) Media content can be arousal Expose to arousing content 2) Exaggeration comes from misunderstanding the cause of arousal. 3) Categorizing the theory 1. Causes change 2. Individual level 3. Short-term 4. Non-cumulative 5. Affective focus 3) Exemplification A lot of times we see examples of people in news, we think about the represent issue, use the examples to judge issues. 1. How it works 1) People understand issues in terms of effect on other people 2) News stories supply examples of people and situations (exemplars); often extreme causes. ) People treat exemplars as typical cases 4) Exemplars are often easy to recall when a. No firm impression of actual situation b. Example created emotional reaction 5) Process Exposure to examples in News 6) Net effect: extreme, incorrect beliefs and judgments about social issues 2. Categorizing the theory 1) Causes change 2) Individual-level 3) Long-term 4) Non-cumulative 5) Cognitive focus 4) Dese nsitization a. The more you see bother the content, the less it bother you (content that used to bother you). b. How it works 1) Applies to affect-producing content 2) Basic model Repeated exposure 3) Outcome can be affected or behavior change c. Categorizing the theory 1) Causes change 2) Individual-level 3) Long-term 4) Cumulative 5) Affective focus (first) 5) Catharsis Not very supported, but very interesting media provide opportunity for us to add up emotions. (Media content lets us imagine away negative feelings) 1. How it works 1) We have negative experience 2) Media provide venue for fantasizing 3) Basic model Negative feelings 2. Categorizing the theory 1) Causes change 2) Individual-level 3) Short-term 4) Non-cumulative 5) Affective focus ) Reinforcement Some media content encourage us to stay as we are (media reinforces what we already think, feel and do) 1. How it works 1) Builds from 2 basic observations a. Not everyone reacts to media content b. Many people already behave as suggested by content 2) Basic model Exposure to content 2. Categorizing the theory (does not cause change) 1) Reinforces 2) Individual-level 3) Long-term 4) Non-cumulative 5) Cognitive/affective/behavioral focus F) Media Violence and Aggression 1) Basic models of violence effects 1. Exposure to violence in media Exposure Exposure Exposure 2. Exposure to violence in media 2) The research: content analysis, experiments, and survey studies 1. Content analysis (1) Count of violent acts Six percent of all TV shows have violence and have six hours (2) Perpetrators Good guys commit violence 3) Consequences (terrible) 70% of violent acts down, half of them show no harm or no pain. 4% content 2. Survey studies (1) One-time How much violence can you observe? Generally conducted on Children Ask teacher to measure the aggression in Children Ask children how much TV they watch Lots of TV= lots of aggression (2) Over-time 1961: increased exposure=increased aggression 1971: increased exposure=increased aggression Being exposed to violence= aggressive behavior (causal nature) 3. Experiment Field experiments: outcomes based on previous experience Look at previous behavior, control predict Violent is related to aggressive Trying to find out what people are doing naturally Less control 3) Criticisms of the research Causal model cannot show relationship with certainty Why is there so much violence? Easily produced Easily understood G) Sexually Explicit Content ) Issues in sexually explicit content research: the basic categorization scheme, kinds of dependent variables, ethical concerns 1. The basic categorization scheme (1) Sexually violent a. Sex involves in movies (2) Nonviolent degrading More or less can teach bad things for male and female relationship (3) Nonviolent non-degrading Love, equal power between (4) Nudity It is not real about sex (5) Child por nography 2. Kinds of dependent variables (1) Arousal What people will be like when show something? (2) Beliefs What people think about the sexual content? (3) Attitudes (4) Behavior What’s your sexual activity? Take safe or not? 3. Ethical concerns People do the content worries about 2) Effects of non-violent sexually explicit content: degrading and non-degrading content 3) Effects of sexual violence: what makes sexual violence different than other violence, typical sexual violence content types and exposure effects We only see it in media Typical sexual violence content types: the outcome 4) Criticisms of the research Hard to do this experiment H) Race in Crime News 1) Theoretical approaches to possible effects 2) Race and crime news: how various racial groups are depicted 3) Explaining differences in news coverage I) Mass Media and Gender 1) Theoretical approaches to possible effects 2) Remember audience differences 3) Entertainment media and advertising: content patterns, the role of media producers, research on effects of exposure to body images J) Media Media and Health 1) Theoretical approaches to possible effects 2) Representations of mental disorders 3) Representations of physicians: current and past 4) Entertainment-Education 5) Media Obesity: characteristics of common portrayals (of food and people), nutritional knowledge K) Public Opinion 1) Public opinion defined 2) Spiral of Silence ) Criticisms of Spiral of Silence We need more research, dont work very well in the USA. L) Agenda Setting, Priming, Framing 1) The agenda setting effect: the public agenda, the media agenda, how the media communicate the importance of issues, the basic model 2) Agenda setting research: survey research at one time, survey research over time, and experiments 3) Conditions that affect when agenda setting happens: individual differences and issue obtrusiveness 4) Issue priming: the priming effect and research Use the issue to judge the leaders 5) Framing: the news framing effect Does take in account what it said. M) Mass Media and Presidential Elections 1) Relationship between candidates and journalists 2) Patterson’s Game Schema Theory a) Hypothesis: general thesis and model b) Opposing approaches to elections: how journalists and voters approach elections c) Effects of this disparity d) Why this has occurred e) Strengths and weaknesses (criticisms) of the theory N) Effects of Internet Use 1) Internet use affects quality of interactions 2) Internet use replaces interpersonal communication 3) Internet use replaces traditional mass media People dont have recourses to do multiple things. You dont know when someone watching you. Internet people can get really diversity information III. Discussion section content since examination #1 A) Sex Roles on Television and Stereotype Threat B) Video game and music video findings C) Voter turnout trends and campaigns Important thing to know who tends to vote. Education level, race graphics Why? Old people are home, and others. VEP is better than the VAP Learn about the candidates and decide how you to vote Watch the news and look for issue information about the conditdates Want to decide how to vote I don’t want to become a police officer Viewer’s attitudes Viewer’s beliefs Performance of behavior Learning of behavior Exaggeration of feelings Arousal Examples used in beliefs and judgment about issues Recall of examples Acceptance of depicted behavior Reduced emotional response Perform Reduction of original feelings Various releases of feelings Exposure to others acting out feelings Predisposition reinforcement Aggressiveness Aggressiveness Social learning Aggressiveness Excitation transfer Aggressiveness Desensitization Fear

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Ode To Franz Liszt Essays - Franz Liszt, Piano Pedagogues

Ode To Franz Liszt Ode to Franz Liszt A prophetic voice, borne on the golden wings of time, Transcends the beat of the human drum...ever sublime Ancient strategic dots that plot a masterful score Slumber for a century till given life once more Clay digits cascade over ivories, black and white, Summoning reveries that croon and howl in the night More profound than the Pole or diverse than all his peers His rich tapestry of sound soaks in blood, sweat and tears Once Prometheus bound his exhumed spirit now soars Enlightening future generations both mine and yours Enraptured by a Lisztian whirlwind of vivid sound Heaven joyously splits open... a hero is crowned. Richard DiSilvio Franz Liszt (1811-1886) Liszt's influence as a, pianist, composer, and great personality spans almost the entire nineteenth century and is felt into the twentieth. He was born with the first generation of romantic composers, Berlioz, Chopin, Schumann, and Mendelssohn. But he outlived them all and played a hugely significant role in the development of the ?music of the future.? Franz Liszt was born in 1811 in Raiding, Hungary. By the age of six it was obvious that he was no ordinary child. His father gave him piano lessons and arranged for Franz to play for many aristocrats in hopes that someone would sponsor his son's musical education. At the age of nine he won an award to study in Vienna. He studied piano with Carl Czerny, prot?g? of Beethoven, and composition with Antonio Salieri. He continued touring Europe until the age of 17, performing for the likes of King George IV and Beethoven. By this time he had already written his first and only opera, Don Sanche, that was performed in Paris and many virtuoso pieces. Liszt established himself as a master of the piano. Some have dubbed him the ?King? or ?God? of piano. Moscheles, who heard a performance in London, wrote, ?In its power and mastery of every difficulty Liszt's playing surpasses anything previously heard.? Liszt took up full time residence in Paris where he spent much of his time with the greats of literature, music, and art such as Victor Hugo, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Delacriox, Berlioz, Paganini. This time in Paris was filled with romance and culture. Liszt developed his complex aesthetic character. He was still developing as a composer, though. Most of his work at this time consisted of transcribing works of other composers such as Paganini, Gounod, Verdi, and Wagner. In 1834, at the age of 23, he and his scandalous lover, the Countess Marie d'Agoult eloped to Switzerland. Her wealth provided him the opportunity to devote himself to composing. During this period Liszt wrote the Transcendental Etudes, Lelio Fantasy, and 12 Grand Etudes to name a few. He was prolific. By 1843 Liszt had established himself as a composer of symphonic poems. He is credited with inventing this genre of music. He wrote songs of Goethe, Heine, and Hugo, and his first Hungarian Rhapsody. This era is the height of Lisztomania, an incredibly successful tour all over Europe in which he originates the solo piano recital, calling them ?soliloquies.? He was the first to fully orchestrate the piano. During Lisztomania he also began a new style of conducting, breathing life into the works instead of merely signaling a beat. Liszt was also recognized as an altruist. He promoted the work of other composers such as Faure, Debussy, Saint-Saens, and Grieg. He gave free concerts to raise money for charities, and he mentored such young talent as Berlioz and Wagner free of charge. In 1847 he officially retired as a performer never accepting another fee for a concert. He met the second great love of his life, Princess Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein in Kiev after having broken with Marie. She eventually joined him in Weimar where he had been appointed Grand Ducal Director of Music Extraordinaire. He settled here producing some of his greatest works, Les Preludes, the Dante and Faust Symphonies, Twelve Symphonic Poems including Hamlet, and Hungaria, and the Sonata in B for Piano. In 1860 Liszt moved to Rome. He divided his time between Weimar, Budapest, and Rome until his death in 1886. Liszt continued to compose, teach, and perform until he died at the age of 74. He had his critics, but his style has shaped music to

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Intro †what is Gibbs (100) Essay Example

Intro – what is Gibbs (100) Essay The Case Of Aquada Contentss We will write a custom essay sample on Intro – what is Gibbs (100) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Intro – what is Gibbs (100) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Intro – what is Gibbs (100) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 1.Introduction2 2.What is incorrect with Aquada? 3 3.What is Product Design, the Design Process5 4.Setting Objectives7 5.Design Processes – Different Perspectives9 6.Aquada – A Critical Analysis10 7.Conclusions11 8.Bibliography12 1.Introduction Manufacturing companies of all types will be required at some degree or another to see how they are traveling to plan new merchandises and how this procedure should be managed so as to obtain the best consequence for their profitableness. When carry oning a design procedure, the administration will hold to happen the in-between line between supplying the client with what they want but besides being organisationally efficient in footings of usage of resources and fiscal investing [ 1 ] ( Baxter, 1995 ) . The procedure of design direction permeates the five cardinal countries of engineering, design, design thought, selling and direction. For this ground, there are frequently internal battles as the company tries to draw together a assortment of different maps all with their ain ends and attacks. 2.What is incorrect with the Aquada? Gibbs has developed a new merchandise which it brought to market as the Aquada. The Aquada was developed by the joint expertness of laminitis Alan Gibbs and Neil Jenkins who through an organizational amalgamation became involved in the squad, in 1999. Design work had begun in 1997 and the merchandise is expected to sell at a retail of ?150,000 in the UK. The Aquada is the first vehicle of its type. It is an amphibian auto that is able to go at velocities of around 30 stat mis per hr on H2O and up to 100 stat mis per hr on land. Approximately 60 million autos are manufactured every twelvemonth and the amphibious component of the auto is simply an option, although it is the chief merchandising point of the merchandise and would, hence, be expected to be chosen in all but a few instances. Clearly, one of the chief benefits of the Aquada is that it can well cut down the travel clip of proprietors. With the ability to travel effortlessly from H2O to set down the Aquada allows a journey that would usually take 2 hours in a metropolis Centre to be reduced to 20 proceedingss, through the usage of H2O based travel. However, despite this, the Aquada has failed to derive the degree of gross revenues that Gibbs predicted it would. Several built-in design jobs have been cited as the ground that Aquada has failed to derive full market incursion. First, despite being marketed as a auto chiefly with an amphibious option it is, in fact, well more efficient on H2O than it is on land. Therefore, those who would merely on occasion use the H2O based option find that it is merely non an efficient manner to go, overall. The Aquada besides fails many safety facets of travel as it has no air bags which are considered indispensable in the modern automotive market. Furthermore, it is non as user friendly due to non holding a roof and holding a non-conventional seating form. This makes the Aquada highly improbable to be the chief vehicle of pick, during the winter months. As this is a new type of vehicle wholly, the care is still something that can merely be done by some specific and specialist mechanics. This makes even everyday services highly expensive. When sing the six chief elements of a design efficiency, it is clear to see that the Aquada fails on many degrees which explains why the Aquada has non made as much of an impact on the market as it was hoped. Reliability and maintainability has non been achieved due to the extremely proficient specializer nature of the vehicle. Aestheticss and biotechnologies are besides hapless with the Aquada with the deficiency of roof and the non traditional seating program that does non let the auto to hold four riders. Not holding air bags is a defect in the safety design of the merchandise and, moreover, the monetary value is at the higher terminal of the market significance that the clients willing to pay this excess premium would non anticipate to compromise on the other elements of the design [ 2 ] ( Zahra A ; Ellor, 1993 ) . 3.What is Product Design? For any new merchandise or company, the design procedure is cardinal to the success of the administration. Whilst in this instance the design procedure is comparatively clear and Centres on the Aquada merchandise, administrations will besides hold their ain merchandise design built-in in the manner they run their company through stigmatization and market placement. Regardless of the type of merchandise design that is being focussed on they will cover with planning, communicating, control and squad working between the assorted different maps within the company. The manner in which the merchandise design procedure is undertaken is cardinal to the overall success of a merchandise or company. The whole procedure demands to be managed to guarantee that no facet is ignored and that the overall consequence is the optimal consequence available. The Design Process There are multiple troubles within the concluding Aquada merchandise, many of which occurred during the design procedure and could, with better planning, have been avoided. Critical to any undertaking is the scene of the relevant purposes and aims. These are so cardinal that they will be discussed in greater item in the ulterior subdivision of this study. Once the range of the undertaking has been appropriately ascertained, the budget should so be developed and agreed with all relevant stakeholders. Based on the needed merchandising monetary value of the Aquada, it would look that budgeting was non completed every bit ruthlessly as was necessary to guarantee that the auto was competitory within the available market [ 3 ] ( Blyth A ; Worthington, 2001 ) . Once the basic information has been ascertained, a brief lineation of the undertaking including the range and the purposes of the undertaking should be stated. This will be the footing of the undertaking program and will give a high degree overview of all critical spots of information i.e. clip graduated table, budget and overall range. In the instance of the Aquada, this was peculiarly of import due to the assorted different squads involved in the development. It is critical that all members of the squad are united and are to the full cognizant of what needs to be done and their function within the merchandise development. From this point, the most appropriate squad demands to be established to do certain that all facets are appropriately dealt with. This choice procedure will about surely involve both internal and external people. Making certain that the necessary competency is available will be of import to do certain that the merchandise is developed right and that there is small or no unneeded wastage in footings of clip or money. For illustration, in the instance of the Aquada, the focal point was clearly on making a technically superb solution, there seems to hold been an absence of people sing the auxiliary facets such as safety, internal design, selling and overall direction [ 4 ] ( Jerrard, Trueman A ; Newport, 1999 ) . Clear undertaking mileposts need to be laid out. The development of a new merchandise such as the Aquada will of course affect several phases such as a protocol so the launching of the merchandise every bit good as the necessary selling and administrative support that will be needed for launch. All of these facets needed to be managed from the beginning. Based on the weaknesss of the Aquada, it would look that full usage of the protocol was non made. Issues such as the deficiency of roof and the deficiency of airbags should hold been noted from the really initial design. Similarly, the deficiency of critical safety factors such as air bags had been omitted should hold been noted at an early phase of the design procedure. This deficiency of realization suggests that the relevant people were non involved with the design procedure at a appropriately early phase. 4.Puting Aims One of the first and most of import facets of the merchandise design procedure is that of puting the purposes and aims of the undertaking. By guaranting that there are suited aims that have been agreed on by all of the appropriate stakeholders, it helps do certain that all persons involved are to the full cognizant of the overall aims and how their single function will be needed to accomplish the ultimate purposes [ 5 ] ( Bruce A ; Cooper, 2000 ) . Aims need to be SMART ( specific, mensurable, agreed, realistic and clip edge ) . Specific, the ends need to be clear and unambiguous and that the purposes are clear for all involved ; Measurable, the ends and aims need to be quantifiable at every measure of the manner. Clear marks in footings of design should be made at every phase to guarantee that the undertaking as a whole corsets on path, both in footings of clip and money ; Agreed, this is critical for undertakings that involve multiple stakeholders. An person who does non hold with the ends and aims can non possible be expected to set in the necessary attempts to accomplish the ends ; Realistic, the ultimate end must be accomplishable. In the instance of the Aquada, consideration demands to be given as to whether it is really possible to develop an amphibian auto that is both safe and efficient every bit good as cost effectual for the consumers ; and Time edge means that there should be clear mileposts at every phase of the undertaking to do certain that the assorted strands of the undertaking are completed at the appropriate times and hence all facets come together to accomplish overall success. Had the Aquada squad spent somewhat longer on puting the relevant ends and objectives many of the issues that are now going evident, such as the deficiency of roof, would hold been resolved at the early phases, doing the merchandise more successful and the design procedure more efficient. 5.Design Processes – Different Positions Naturally, the procedure of design direction will change from company to company and undertaking to project. As such there has been no one singular design procedure theoretical account that has gained complete support from faculty members or professionals. Several different possible attacks have been established, and Aquada should take the elements that suit their peculiar undertaking in their design procedure. One of the historically popular attacks has been the linking of design direction with selling. This was based on the foundational belief that design is mostly a selling map with the whole procedure aimed at developing a merchandise that consumers really want to buy. Under this idea form it is by and large considered that the cardinal standards of any procedure is to do consumers believe that they need the ultimate merchandise. Arguably, in a commercial scene such as that of Aquada this is true. Whilst the engineering may be impressive, it is of small commercial value if no-one really wants to buy the merchandise. This is the attack advocated by the Design Management Institute [ 6 ] ( Best, 2007 ) . An alternate attack is that of design leading advocated by Koppelmann, which makes the differentiation between the design direction and design leading. This recognises that pull offing the design procedure is a much more specific function than that of design leading. Design direction is to a great extent involved with the existent specifications of the merchandise, whereas design leading takes a much more overall position sing every facet such as selling and distribution. It is this function that the overall undertaking director would by and large set about [ 7 ] ( Buggie, Scheuing A ; Vaccaro, 1990 ) . In the instance of Aquada, the undertaking began in 1996 yet a new pull offing manager became involved in 1999 which may account for the deficiency of consistence in the undertaking direction procedure. 6.Aquada – A Critical Analysis Aquada has found that there are many built-in design defects within its merchandise. These are cardinal and consequence in the demand for the merchandise being well lower than it would otherwise hold been. First, the Aquada design procedure lacked consistence. Due to a alteration of direction the design leading function appears to hold gone unnoticed and hence peripheral facets of the proficient specifications have been overlooked. In line with the current thought of holding a distinguishable design leading function, this appears to hold been losing in the procedure and has hence had a damaging function on the overall result [ 8 ] ( Hollins A ; Shinkins, 2006 ) . Second, critical elements that a consumer would necessitate hold been overlooked such as the necessary seating form and the deficiency of roof. This suggests that there was small or no engagement in footings of selling or client services. It would look that during the initial undertaking definition stage, the demands and desires of the client were non considered. For this ground, Aquada would hold benefited from following a more selling attack in its merchandise development to guarantee consumer entreaty. Third, the pricing of the Aquada seems to be curtailing the market portion that it is able to obtain. Had the budget been set at the beginning and managed with suited milepost, it would be probably that a lesser retail monetary value would hold been established doing it a more appealing purchase option. 7.Decisions Although, on the face of it, Aquada appears to hold failed in several facets, they all basically have their path cause in the failure to program and pull off the undertaking. Failure to place the critical ends and besides failure to hold one consistent director with an overall position of the undertaking has resulted in critical issues being ignored. The undertaking has non been sufficiently focussed on the consumer, likely due to the deficiency of selling engagement and this has finally resulted in a less appealing and, hence, less successful merchandise within an already competitory market [ 9 ] ( Sutton A ; Hargadon, 1996 ) . Bibliography Baxter, M. , 1995.Merchandise Design. Chapman and Hall. Best, Kathryn, 2007.Design Management: Pull offing Design Strategy, Process and Implementation. Ava Publishing SA. Blyth, A. A ; Worthington, J. , 2001.Pull offing the Brief for Better Design. Spon Press. Bruce, M. A ; Cooper, R. , 2000.Creative Product Design: A Practical Guide to Requirements Capture Management. John Wiley A ; Sons. Buggie, F.D. , Scheuing, E.E. , A ; Vaccaro, V.L. , 1990. An Advanced Approach to New Product Development.Review of Business, 12. Hollins, B. A ; Shinkins, S. , 2006.Pull offing Service Operationss: Design and Execution. Sage. Jerrard B. , Trueman, M. A ; Newport, R. , 1999.Pull offing New Product Invention: Proceedings of the Conference of the Design Research Society. Taylor A ; Francis. Sutton, R.I. A ; Hargadon, A. , 1996. Brainstorming Groups in Context: Effectiveness in a Product Design Firm.Administrative Science Quarterly, 41. Zahra, S.A. A ; Ellor, D. , 1993. Accelerating New Product Development and Successful Market Introduction.SAM Advanced Management Journal, 58. 1

Saturday, November 23, 2019

buy custom Approaches to Public Administration essay

buy custom Approaches to Public Administration essay Competing Values and Three Approaches to Public Administration Background Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) has been comprehensively discussed since the 1980s when the industry was not exploited. RTHK was subsequently transformed from a government department to a public broadcaster with recordings of progress and development. The positioning of Hong Kong as a regional broadcasting hub has been characterized by a series of innovations, programme choice, diversity and competition. This has enhanced Hong Kongs place as not only a centre for information but also as a distinctive broadcasting powerhouse. The broadcasting sector in Hong Kong targets the audio and visual market. Commercial broadcasters are provided with licenses which enable them to air a range of educative and entertaining programmes. The RTHK has over years held talks and conferences with the government with the aim to discuss the future and development of RTHK. Development The broadcasting industry review committee was a government department until 1986 when it was leased as a private company. The Beijing government was however opposed the move terming it as anti-government. After rows over the ownership and status, RTHK was finally allowed to legally restructure and act in the given capacity. Analysis The broadcasting environment in Hong Kong, like elsewhere, has undergone phenomenal changes in recent years. Some of these changes have presented new challenges and caused an impact on the development of Public Service Broadcasting. There are three approaches to public administration. These are the managerial approach, political and the legal approach. The managerial approach The managerial approach is also known as the functional approach. This perspective focuses on the functions of management that steer an organization towards its aims and goals. The functional approach consists of six key funtions: planning, organizing, directing, controlling, budgeting and personnel management. The case of Hong Kong and the broadcasting industry was comprehensively reviewed in the year 2006 with a management team put in place to discuss financial and corporate structures. The Hong Kong milieu is unique in both political and socio-economic environment. A case in point is the transition from British colonial rule to being transformed into a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The majority Chinese population and the executive-led government have driven Hong Kong to the necessity of creating a Public service broadcasting that meets all the needs of the citizens of Hong Kong. The National Programming Radio (NPR) sources its funds from government grants, member stations, contributions and sponsorship and income from investment projects. The National Programming Radio (NPR) was established in 1992 with the major aim to establish fund initiatives that would shield the sector from difficult economic times. In addition, a code of ethics was established to safeguard journalism independence and the roles of programming staff and journalists in general. The political approach The Broadcasting Council consists of elected members from various sectors and political spheres to aid in independent programme monitoring. The legislature; a key component in law-making ensures adherence to the stipulated rules and regulations. For maximum accountability, political parties and trade unions are also involved. The role of the political approach is to advise the public service broadcaster on issues concerning programming and monitors its adherence to programming principles. In Hong Kong, it is the role of the Administrative Council to oversee the finance of the public service broadcaster. The Administrative Council is tasked with the preparation of the budget and also monitors the management and operatioon of the concerned broadcasters. The council serves as the management committee of the public service broadcaster. Most of the members of the council are appointed by the Broadcasting Council of Hong Kong. The committee comprises of elected members from the serving parliament or federal legislature, trade unions and political parties to ensure transparency and accountability. Furthermore, it is the role of the council to advise the public service broadcaster on programming-related issues and also monitors the adherence to programming principles. Legal approach The legal approach also known as the juridical approach studies the concept of public administration from an official and legal perspective with more interest in the structures provided for by the constitution. In this approach, public administration is interpreted in the scope of legal terms. The implementation of the laws of the state is a vital component in the ruling of subjects, usually the citizens. The laws of Hong Kong do not objectively define the term public service broadcasting although there is a statement on the provision of television programmes by the Government. As revealed by the panel established to probe the broadcasting issue established that the Public Service Board is an imperative mechanism that when properly implemented would ensure that the civil society is duly strengthened. Conclusion The development of a public service model in Hong Kong is not a state of apathy but rather there is light at the end of the tunnel. With the establishment of the broadcasting panel, continuous follow-up of the development of public service broadcasting will be in process. The Government should ensure that public involvement is accorded with the priority the process duly deserves. Public administration as noted should involve all stakeholders in the processes of policy formulation and implementation. Buy custom Approaches to Public Administration essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The company of wolves by angela carter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The company of wolves by angela carter - Essay Example Their desperate reactions at the most unexpected time overpower them when not warranted in a particular situation. This goes to prove the fragile manner in which their heads and hearts react and the heavy load of atrocities inflicted on the black race stands integrated into the gene of the people of that race. For example, Dina’s erratic disposition during orientation games when she asserts that if she ever gets an opportunity to be an inanimate object, she would like to be a revolver and wipe out all mankind. That utterance fetches her ‘reward’ of a year’s worth of psychiatric counseling. In another instance, brownies are involved in hostility in a restroom between troops of black against white Girl Scouts over a supposed racial affront. Ironically, the black troop notices that the white girls were in fact, late learners, and the sarcasm is doubled when the black girls have no reservations at calling the white girls â€Å"retarded† while challenging over the term â€Å"nigger†. These incidents indicate the undercurrent of strong misunderstanding between the white and black race, and even the educated generation is unable to transcend this mental barrier of deep mistrust. The combustible younger generation of African Americans will cut loose from the mainstream discipline of the society and engulf the societal fabric like an avalanche causing enormous damage which may take time to heal and such incidents will remain as the permanent blots in the books on racial history of America. As such ZZ Packer (2004) is right in observing that â€Å"When you’ve been made to feel bad for so long, you jump at the chance to do it to others.†(p.27) But Dina’s problem is not related to only black versus white issue. Hers is a multi-dimensional diagnosis and she suffers more than one personality deficiencies and struggles with an identity crisis. She suffers from problems that are her own doings. She does not engage