Saturday, February 22, 2020

Texts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Texts - Essay Example A development that has been emulated by the US, Australia, Europe, and New Zealand with a similar trend being noted in other emerging and developed economy countries. This is a sector growth that has seen an increase in enrollees and simultaneously, teachers, textbooks, journals, conferences, support systems and organizations for tourism education (Airey and Johnson, 1999). This is a growth that has worried the Council for Academic Awards (1993) who made known their unease at the rapid growth in the area. Citing Airey and Johnson, (1999) a lack of common agreement regarding the tourism program curriculum and the lack of basic definitions and parameters within which the course should be taught and developed made the organization worry about the teaching methodology used by the varying universities and educators. As of 1997, this has yet to be agreed upon (Tribe, 1997) due to the ability of the academics to develop its own concepts and approaches. According to Cooper, Scales, and Westlake (1992) this is because the course curriculum tends to take on the knowledge and ability of those teaching the courses involved. WhileKoh (1994) developed studies that indicated the individual influences of the educators had the ability to affect the biases of the professors depending upon their experiences within the tourism industry. Airey (1997) does not see any problem with this type of teaching as the curriculum is in its infancy stages and still has room for perspective and insight development. One of the biggest problems that this non-uniform definition creates is the confusion that it causes for the course applicants, students, and employers. As Koh (1994) explains: if tourism hopes to gain professional recognition, curriculum diversity cannot be allowed to continue because professionalism demands standardization. Jaspers (1997) supported this assumption by

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Debt Financing and Bankruptcy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Debt Financing and Bankruptcy - Essay Example This chapter is distinguished from other filed chapter as it is the only chapter that allows companies to refinance and reorganize to prevent final liquidation. A company may refinance itself by getting loans thorough debt financing mode. This help to get the required money to finance the daily operations of the company and also pay other costs like salaries, pension and medical cost. Restructuring involves changing the mechanisms through which company operations are conducted. This involves reducing the number of employees and performance contracting to ensure efficiency in production and also reduce operation cost (Usatoday, 2012) The debt trouble that the company is experiencing is caused by the following factors. First, the annual sales of the company is about $2.5 billion ant this is not enough to cater for the rising medical benefit and pension costs of its 19000 unionized employees who operates in over thirty states are .In addition the company has had trouble attracting customers who have migrated to more healthier whole grain foods that do not put them at risk of suffering from obesity and other cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore the cost of ingredients-sugar and flour has increased significantly decreasing the total revenue accrued by the company. Hostess main competitors include Bimbo Bakeries, Kraft Inc and Sara Lee. The company has a debt of over $860 million with Industry International Pension and Fund Bakery & Confectionary Union as the main unsecured creditors (Guardian, 2012). The debt financing option that were available included getting loans from bank, taking goods (ingredients) on credit and then and then repaying the debt later after sale, creating more shares that are later sold to cater for the financial needs selling bonds and partnering with other well established companies that can inject in new ideas